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第128章 元素复活(2 / 2)
小说作者:爱吃虎皮鸡腿的唐仁   小说类别:现代都市   内容大小:159万字   























“if you fa eleentalistthis state, you ill defitely lose,”the vice sect leader saida deep voice

xiao sheng g hi and then sloly said, “if i ehe reversion void stage, hat qualifications does he have to fight ith e?”

the vice sect leader as startled and hurriedly said, “aalist obtaihe iance of the iortal syi, hich as ohe nuber othe universe you t not uiate hi!”

“i have y on pns,”xiao sheng said

ao days passed

a huge face suddenly dehe sky above the southern region!

the size of this face as beyond iagation and alost vered the entire orld!

everyohe southern region as stantly extreely ared they stared at the fa the sky and excied, “hat is that thg? an iortal? or a celestial eperor?”

“it’s really an iortal that appeared fro the sky!”

soe people ere panig, hile others began to kneel don

soon, the fa the sky spoke

he looked don at everyone and said ldly, “fro today onards, the estern ilderness decres ar on the south provce”

his ords caed everyone’s expression to ge drastically!

this face actually cae fro the estern ilderness!

the river of death had jt disappeared, and the estern ilderness as about to take a?

fag a northern nd, everyone as already lg no that there as another estern ilderness, hat hope did the southern region have? !

“it’s over, the estern ilderness is about to take a our southern region isdanger!”

“hy are they all attag our southern region? !”

“a nd of abundano o say anythg”

on the sae day, soe people began to flee fro the southern region, and the experts of the southern region also shoed different attitudes

a secded p the southern region, a young an ho looked to behis thirties or forties raised his head and looked at this face

“southern region… it’s tie for e to leave no that i’ve stepped to the reversion void stage, the tral region is y stage”

on ount dayue, en anji looked at this fa the sky and juped up and don, cursg

“hat a dog hen you e, i’ll tear your outh apart!”en anji poi the fa the sky and cursed

on d baboo ounta, qu zhu looked at the fad reaed silent

he drank a outhful of e and no one k he as thkg about

rge groups of people began to gather at the northern border and the estern border

for a tie, the southern region becae the target of public criticis

these past fe days

a terrifyg sound suddenly cae fro the sky above the northern region then, a bolt of lightng desded fro the sky!

this sound stantly startled the entire northern nds, and even tless people at the northern borders sa this terrifyg phenoenon!

“oh no, uld it be that soeohe northern nds is about to step to the reversion void stage! ?”

“fro this phenoenon, this person’s strength is probably extreely terrifyg!”

“it doesn’t see like a breakthrough to the reversion void stage this is probably another phenoenon”

the ter of the northern nds, the heavenly lightng struck the sno ounta

the sno ounta as directly shattered by this explosion it turo spots and disappeared ithout a trace!

he teng, ho as guardg the sno ounta, hurriedly retreated

he stared at the sokefront of hi as if he as anticipatg soethg

the soke dispersed

he sa a young an sittg cross-ed there

his appearance as very siir to that of aalisthis younger days hoever, he as uch ore ature pared to the other eleentalists he looked like a iddle-aged an

his long hair hung don his shoulders his body as vered ith a yer of light that as as hite as ash

this seeed to be the secret teique of the iortal syi it as also the sybol of the iance of the iortal syi it as extreely terrifyg!















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